La via de los dioses. Reflexiones en torno al pensamiento oriental

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Claudia Lira L.


Hinduism describes a dynamic universe, a universe composed of víbrations which expand themselves giving life to all that exists. Itisa world ofamustiefrequencies, pulses, states that appear and then vanish, in a process thatis dialectic but simultaneouslysymbiotic. The dialectic is represented in the Trimurti, in which Brahma is the creator, Vishnú the preserver, and Shiva the destróyer. The three forces that give birth to the universe and opérate in all things are: Brahma, the positive energy, active oraffirmative; Shiva, the négative orpassive energy; and the conciliation, preservation oflife, represented in the incarnations of Vishnú, the synihesis. This forcé has come to the Earth under theform ofan avatar, that is to soy, ofa spiritual master who teaches a path to libérate man. We can soy that both Vishnú as Shiva are emanations ofBrahma, and that is why these threeforces have a symbiotic relationship (theyarejoined byan organic or internal tie, that determines the way they are or act). Consequently, these three energies, that are one, are responsiblefor the existence ofthe universe. The main subject ofthis study is a quest ofa path that leads to recover the required behavior tofavour the suspensión ofthe suffirient reason principie, and to the way in which this suspensión in the East is linked to the Gods' behaviour, who play to créate the world.

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Author Biography

Claudia Lira L., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Instituto de Estética
Facultad de Filosofía
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

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