Sagrado y Profano: Una convergencia en la Fiesta de San Esteban

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Margarita Schultz


The Feast of Saint Stephan, 26 december, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Convergency of the sacred and the profane: The Saint is the object of venera tion by men and women, at the same time horsemen make singular competitions with the wind, around an oval demarcation. Many prayers are offered and abundant food is consumed. They celebrated in it's own manner this feast. The Feast is an event in life that points at the distinction be t ween different times and spaces, and is celebrated in a very idiosincratic atmosphere. This celebración in the dusty country, inside Santiago del Estero, combines diverso attitudes, some sacred, some profane. Because life is asvmmetrical, its asymmetry is needed to give meaning, both in the religious and in the evervday time.

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Author Biography

Margarita Schultz, Universidad de Chile

Profesora de la Facultad de Artes
Universidad de Chile 

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