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Vanina Yael Hofman Matusevich
Valentina Montero


Throughout the 20th century and up to the present day, many artists have addressed the archive by questioning its function, classification systems, legitimacy, registration technologies or inclusion/exclusion protocols. Considering that within digital culture, AI has become a key factor for information management, this article explores how the use of these technologies in art is offering new perspectives to think about the archive, heritage and memory.

   Within the meshwork of existing practices and approaches that operate creatively challenging traditional hierarchies and protocols of the archive, we will pull from two strings: 1) on the one hand, the group of appropriationist-type tactics that operate by activating new interpretations of already constituted archives; 2) on the other, those that propose the creation of new archives, generally dealing with scattered elements that were previously ignored or discarded.

   We will delve into these two anarchival strategies by focusing on two case studies that address critically the filmic and audiovisual heritage: Jan Bot: bringing film heritage to the algorithmic age and the Oráculo de Capturas de Pantalla (OCP). In both cases we will study the strategies by which other possibilities are opened up for history, and the place given to algorithms in their construction.

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Author Biography

Valentina Montero, Universidad Finis Terrae

Doctora por la Universidad de Barcelona en el programa Estudios Avanzados en Producciones Artísticas, línea Imagen Digital. Es periodista, licenciada en Estética, Máster en Comisariado en Nuevos Medios. Sus investigaciones giran en torno al cruce entre arte, tecnología y sociedad. Ha trabajado como investigadora y curadora para MECAD (es), Bienal de Artes Mediales de Santiago (cl), Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes; Museo de Arte Contemporáneo (cl), Loop (es), Centro de Fotografía de Montevideo (uy), Mediateca Caixa Forum (es) CINUSP (br), entre otros. Como docente ha impartido cursos y talleres en diversos centros de estudio en España, Ecuador, Uruguay, Brasil, y para Node Center for Curatorial Studies (estudios online con sede en Berlín). Ha presentado conferencias en congresos y simposios como Media Art Histories en  Liverpool (UK), FILE en Sao Paulo (Br), Balance Unbalance en Manizales (Co), SIGGRAPH (EEUU),  Plus Code (Ar), entre otros. Actualmente es profesora en el Magíster de Artes Mediales de la Universidad de Chile, profesora asociada y directora en el Magíster Investigación-Creación de la Imagen en la Universidad Finis Terrae y directora de PAM/ Plataforma Arte y Medios.



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