Emergent, Dominant and Residual. An Approach to the Manufacturing of The Popular by the New Chilean Cinema (1958-1973)

Main Article Content

Juan Pablo Silva Escobar
Valentina Raurich Valencia


This article is based on the idea that the cinematic practice developed by the New Cinema Chilean is confi gured as a signifying practice that allows us to acknowledge the process of building a new conception of the popular. This notion focuses on socio-cultural, political and economic confl ict, confi guring the popular as a lifestyle and as a social class in constant tension with the ruling class. This tension leads us to bear in mind that cultural forms and activities are dynamic fi elds, in which relations of domination and subordination are articulated.

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Author Biographies

Juan Pablo Silva Escobar

Universidad de Valladolid, España. jp.silva.escobar@gmail.com

Valentina Raurich Valencia

 Universidad de Valladolid, España vraurichv@gmail.com

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