Dystopian Aesthetics in the Painting of the Cuban Artist Vicente Hernández: The Eye of the Storm

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Claire Mercier
Osvaldo Hernández González
Diana Rosales Plá


Dystopian narrative has been widely exploited in the field of literature, in contrast to the attention received in the field of visual arts. In relation to this, the purpose of this essay is to highlight, from a critical perspective on the Cuban socio-cultural reality, the characteristic elements of dystopia in Vicente Hernández’s pictorial work through the analysis of four representative paintings of Cuban artist’s dystopian aesthetics.

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Author Biography

Claire Mercier, Universidad de Talca

Dra. Claire Mercier Profesora Asociada Instituto de Estudios Humanísticos "Juan Ignacio Molina" Editora Jefa Universum. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales Universidad de Talca


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