(De)Construction of Art through Ronald Kay

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Elixabete Ansa Goicoechea


This article analyzes the importance of Ronald Kay in Chilean contemporary art criticism, and more particularly, the importance of his major critical work: Del espacio de acá, señales para una mirada americana [About This Space, Signs for an American Gaze] (1980). Such relevance emanates from two simultaneous proposals in his critical work:
1) the possibility of doing deconstructive criticism of American Imaginaries in Chile, and 2) the continuity his critical work offers to constructivist projects before the Chilean Coup D’état (1973). The main goal of this article is to unveil the need to return to an art criticism that gives continuity to the constructivist legacy in Art History; that is, an art criticism that identifies art works with the ambition to transform reality. Ronald Kay is a major reference for such endeavor.

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Author Biography

Elixabete Ansa Goicoechea

Instituto de Estética, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

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