To Live in a State of Search. The Modern Antigones of the Desert and Rio de la Plata

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Cynthia Pamela Shuffer Mendoza


The present text seeks to highlight the intertextual connections that exist between the myth of Antigone and other relations—audiovisual, photographic and theatrical—in order to unravel the vital power of its protagonists. The legacy of the Antigone archetype is present in hypertexts as a disobedient force towards official mandates, a female figure who resists injustice and the patriarchal order imposed by the laws of the city of Thebes. The documentary Nostalgia de la luz by the Chilean Patricio Guzmán, the Uruguayan theater play Antígona Oriental by Volker Lösch and Marianella Morena and the Siluetazo (silhouette drawings on the ground) made by the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo in the company of three visual artists will be the works that will allow us to get closer to the Antigone figure from the testimonies of the women who lost their brothers, parents and children—descendants of Polinices—in the framework of the dictatorships of the seventies in the Southern Cone. 

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Author Biography

Cynthia Pamela Shuffer Mendoza, Universidad de Santiago de Chile - Instituto de Estudios Avanzados (IDEA)

Docente e investigadora. Licenciada en Artes Visuales y Profesora de Educación Media de la Universidad de Chile. Becaria CONICYT (PCHA/Doctorado Nacional/2016-21160958) del programa de Doctorado en Estudios Americanos del Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de la Universidad de Santiago (IDEA-USACH) e Investigadora Responsable del proyecto FONDART NACIONAL 2018, Línea Investigación en Fotografía "Hora cero, Democracia en Chile. Investigación y recuperación producción fotográfica Kena Lorenzini 1990-1994". Co-fundadora y miembro del equipo editorial de Rufián Revista ( 0719-3742).

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