From the Temples to the Venter: The Immanent Ethics of Violence in “El Ojo Silva” by Roberto Bolaño

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Jorge Estrada


This paper unearths the immanent ethics that underlie the thematization of violence in Roberto Bolaño’s “El Ojo Silva”. To provide an encompassing reading and reveal the inte-rrelationship between a notion of immanence and a narrative structure, this paper takes as point of departure stylistic features and concludes with theoretical speculations. In this manner, it is possible to position the short story in relation to a long literary tradition, as well as show how the imaginative iterations engrained in the narrative structure tune practical reasoning through generalizations, history, and fiction. The argumentation is divided in four parts that intertwine: a case posited by resorting to the “winning of goodwill” from classical rhetoric, the exile depicted as historical experience and an allegory, a violent event as immanent core, and, lastly, sovereign violence as key element in poetics of exception. This itinerary shows to which extent a text’s ethic and aesthetic dimensions are imbricated.

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Author Biography

Jorge Estrada

Jorge Estrada concluyó recientemente sus estudios (2019) doctorales en el Instituto Peter-Szondi de Literatura comparada de la Universidad Libre de Berlín, donde su tesis “Experiencing Ethics with Sterne and Musil: a relentless character construction” fue distinguida con el predicado summa cum laude. Se licenció en Lengua y literaturas hispánicas en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en 2010 y su actual proyecto de investigación postdoctoral examina los efectos de sentido en la tradición cuentística latinoamericana del siglo xx con una aproximación multidisciplinaria que incluye retórica, estudios de afectos, hermenéutica, así como aproximaciones a la ética y el discurso legal en textos literarios.


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