What do we know about femvertising? A systematic literature review


  • Emma Vandellos Universitat Ramon Llull ESADE, Barcelona y Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
  • Anna Villarroya Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
  • Juan-José Boté-Vericad Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España




Femvertising; feminism; advertising; purpose; branding; gender stereotype; women’s empowerment


The article presents a systematic review of the literature on femvertising, which is the advertising trend that seeks to empower women and challenge gender stereotypes. This trend emerges as a response to society's demand that brands link their purpose to gender equality and design compelling communications that women can identify with. The aim of this article is to provide a critical overview of the academic literature that serves as a solid foundation for understanding the main theoretical approaches, recurring themes and debates surrounding femvertising. It is based on the analysis of a final selection of 47 academic articles, mainly from the analysis of the Web of Science and Scopus databases in the period 1960-2021. Among the recurring themes surrounding femvertising, the article highlights intersectionality, sport, female sexuality, and dimensions of power, and shows how, as this advertising trend spreads, new debates are developing about its authenticity, its intertwining with feminism, the emotional impact it evokes, and its relationship to corporate social responsibility (CSR). The authors highlight the current relevance of femvertising and despite its ambivalent and commercial nature, recommend it as a tool that contributes to the elimination of traditional gender stereotypes and to the construction of a critical view among consumers.

Author Biographies

Emma Vandellos, Universitat Ramon Llull ESADE, Barcelona y Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Emma Vandellos, academic collaborator at the Marketing Management Department of ESADE Business & Law School, Barcelona (Universitat Ramon Llull). Ph.D. student of the Interuniversity Program in Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies, and Policies in brands committed to gender equality at the Universidad de Barcelona (UB). She holds a degree in Business Administration and an MBA from ESADE, and an MIM from Thunderbird School of Global Management. Holds also a degree in Humanities and a postgraduate degree in Management and Management of Institutions, Companies, and Cultural Platforms from the Universidad Pompeu Fabra (UPF).


Anna Villarroya, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Anna Villarroya, associate professor in the Department of Economics at the Universidad de Barcelona. Ph.D. in Public Sector Economics (Universitat de Barcelona), master in Economics of Education (Institute of Education, University of London), she holds a degree in Law and Economics (Universitat de Barcelona). She is director of the Information, Communication and Culture Research Center (CRICC, by its Catalan acronym) at the Universidad de Barcelona and coordinator of the Interuniversity Doctoral Program in Gender Studies: Cultures, Societies, and Politics.

Juan-José Boté-Vericad, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Juan-José Boté-Vericad, lecturer in the Department of Library Science, Documentation, and Audiovisual Communication at the Universitat de Barcelona. Ph.D. in Information and Documentation in the Knowledge Society (Universitat de Barcelona), Ph.D. in Information Sciences (Universität Hildesheim), and Computer Science Engineer (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya). His research interests are linked to open science and gender perspective. His research is published in journals such as Plos One, Learned Publishing or Library & Information Science Research.


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How to Cite

Vandellos, E., Villarroya, A., & Boté-Vericad, J.-J. (2023). What do we know about femvertising? A systematic literature review . Cuadernos.Info, (56), 185–205. https://doi.org/10.7764/cdi.56.61527