The Double Verification Artistic-Reflexive Cycle {CARDC) and the Music software: a methodological tool in the field of Artistic Research and its application

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Leonardo Vieira Feichas
Narayane Ribeiro Medeiros
Carlos Henrique Costa Ribeiro


The present article introduces the methodological tool called "Ciclo Artístico-Reflexivo de Double Checking (CARDC)" (Feichas, 2022) and the ongoing project to develop an application called "Music". The project involves information technology and artificial intelligence and is a partnership between the Federal University of Acre (UFAC) and the Technological lnstitute of Aeronautics (ITA), which intends to propose the application of the CARDC methodology in a more practical and accessible way. The development of this project is based on the theoretical/philosophical orientations of the CARDC concept, which have been transferred to the software through the codification of this concept in music. To conclude, we provide preliminary results regarding the use of the application on mobile devices and discuss the use of CARDC and the factors observad when it was used through a dedicated application. Based on field research findings, it is evident that a demand exists, that the idea of the application satisfies this need, and that the development of common studies in artistic research areas, such as music, is urgent.


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