Artexégesis, prácticas artísticas e investigación
instructions for authors
Articles should have a minimum length of 5,000 and a maximum of 10,000 words.
The manuscript should be submitted in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.
Papers should be written in A4 format, with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins on the left, right, top, and bottom. The font should be Times New Roman, size 12, with justified margins and double spacing.
On the first page of the papers, please include the following:
Title in Spanish, Portuguese, and English (Times New Roman 14, bold, centered); abstract in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, up to 200 words (Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, justified); three to five keywords in Spanish, Portuguese, and English (Times New Roman 12, single-spaced, justified), separated by commas.
Citations from other sources with less than three lines should be inserted in the text between double quotation marks, followed by the reference, according to the author-date system (e.g., Barrett, 2010, p. 78). Quotations exceeding three lines should be placed in a separate paragraph, using font size 11, without quotation marks, single-spaced.
In the case of quotations in a foreign language, these should appear translated in the central body of the text and in their original language in a footnote.
To provide secondary information, footnotes (Times New Roman 10) are recommended. Do not include complete bibliographical references in the footnotes. A maximum of 30 footnotes per article will be accepted.
Multimedia files documenting sources, processes and/or results of artistic practice (images, audio, videos, or other digital materials) should be attached as separate files, clearly indicating the place of their insertion within the text- audios and videos will be uploaded to the journal's private channels on playback platforms (such as SoundCloud or YouTube).
Images: .jpg, .png, or .tiff; minimum size: 1080x720 pixels; recommended size: 1920x1080 pixels; ideal size: 3840x2160 pixels.
Audios: extension .wav or .mp3
Videos: .mp4 extension; Compression: h264; Size: Minimum recommended 1920x1080 px; Frame rate: 29 fps (29.97)
Please send the author's biographical information, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and ORCID profile in a separate complementary file (maximum length: 130 words).
The International Standard of the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition is adopted for references. Bibliographic references should be placed at the end of the article, and all authors of the works cited in the main body (and vice versa) should be included. Bibliographies that are not quoted in the article should not appear. No more than 40 bibliographic entries per article will be accepted.
Each reference should begin with French indentation and be ordered alphabetically and chronologically (oldest first).
The format of citations begins with the last name of the Author in upper/lower case, the initials of the name/s followed by a period (several authors separated by commas (,) adding before the last author the connector 'and').
In English citations, capital letters are used in all words of the titles except prepositions, articles, and coordinating words.
The citation of the same author with a publication date in the same year will be ordered alphabetically by the work's title without considering the title's initial articles. The works will be differentiated alphabetically by adding a lowercase letter to the year.