PLUS Neighborhoods: Development of Urban Centralities through the Rehabilitation of Social Condominiums. Plan and Regeneration Project in Santa Corina

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Alejandro Bertrand Fernández


Traditional urban development models have proven inadequate in addressing the needs of recent decades, leading to highly segregated and territorially fragmented cities due to changes in their scale and functioning. In response to this situation, urban public policies have made progress in diversifying the existing forms of city development. However, given that these policies translate into punctual and isolated interventions, they fail to generate sustained urban development with positive impacts at the city and neighborhood levels. 

This article argues that housing has the potential to be the fundamental unit of alternative development models, with urban regeneration and rehabilitation as their main methods. This issue is explored through the rehabilitation project of a CORVI 1010 complex, framed within a neighborhood regeneration plan, considering its potential to establish new central areas through neighborhood development. 

Keywords: neighborhood, centrality, regeneration, rehabilitation, social housing, PLUS, development model, urban improvement, CORVI 1010-1020 complexes. 

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Author Biography

Alejandro Bertrand Fernández, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Arquitecto y magíster en Proyecto Urbano, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2022. Obtuvo el premio titulación con su tesis “PLUS BARRIOS: Un nuevo Modelo de Desarrollo de Centralidades Urbanas a partir de la Rehabilitación y Regeneración de Condominios Sociales” (2023). Actualmente es arquitecto colaborador en la Dirección de Extensión y Servicios Externos de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Estudios Urbanos de la Universidad Católica y ayudante en la misma universidad.