Classification of soils for the Chilean coast mountain range. Implications for the management of degraded soils in Mediterranean basins.


  • Edilia Jaque Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción
  • Ianire Galilea Salvador Departamento de Geografía, Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Geografía, Universidad de Concepción
  • Carolina Ojeda Leal Postdoctor WP5 Proyecto 1523A009 Fondap 2023 CIGIDEN
  • Ana Huaico-Malhue Departamento de Prevención de Riesgos y Medio Ambiente, Facultad de Ciencias de la Construcción y Ordenamiento Territorial, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana


Soil classification, Soil erosion, Soil resources, River basin, RUSLE.


The soils of the Cordillera de la Costa are highly intervened and have suffered degradation processes of different intensity. The first studies to quantify these processes date back to 1970 by CIREN through local soil sampling based on geomorphological criteria. A refinement of this classification is proposed for the Andalién basin (36º42'S), which has historically been dedicated to agriculture, then converted to forest use and environmentally degraded. From the physicochemical characterization of soils, 8 types of soils were recognized using the classification (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) and their erodibility was evaluated from the RUSLE equation. The results show that 51.7% of the soils correspond to Palexeralf Últicos with moderate erodibility (0.25-0.40 T ha h ha-1 MJ-1mm-1) in 59.1% of the basin. In conclusion, the degradation processes occur within the framework of an economic model of lack of protection of natural resources, so these antecedents contribute to the discussion of proposals for soil management and recovery on a regional scale. It also stresses the need for continuous updating of this type of information for local, regional and national decision-makers.



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How to Cite

Jaque, E., Galilea Salvador, I., Ojeda Leal, C., & Huaico-Malhue, A. (2024). Classification of soils for the Chilean coast mountain range. Implications for the management of degraded soils in Mediterranean basins . Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (88). Retrieved from


