Un ‘Giro espacial’ en los estudios de estrategia sindical: posiciones, movilizaciones y comunidades.
Estrategia sindical, Geografía del trabajo, Huelgas, Territorio, Ciudad neoliberalAbstract
This article argues that the socio-spatial perspective in trade union studies has grown in recent decades to the point of causing a “spatial shift” in much of its literature, which has (re)driven the debate on strategic issues in the struggle of workers now in neoliberal urbanity. To account for the above, the text proposes a review of three classical literature focuses on trade unionism, which have recently been expanded and restated based on the analysis of social geography: (1) strategic sectors and strategic positions; (2) strike mobilizations and action tactics; and (3) the urban relationship between unions and communities, which is present at the center of four specific study sources: community unionism, worker centers, recovered companies, and union action in workers' neighborhoods. This review makes it possible to identify new conditions and resources of power in union action. At the same time, it argues that the socio-spatial turn is expanding due to the growing need to understand the effect of the reproduction/production relationship in the formation and transformation of the working class.
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