
  • ROLAND PASKOFF Universidad de Lyon y Universidad de Túnez.


Geomorphology, Northern Chile, Coastal Cliffs


About the geomorphic Evolution of the high Cliff along the arid coast of Chile. The marine Cliff of northernmost Chile, about 700 m high and 800 km long, represents a major geomorphic feature of the Earth. North of Iquique, it is still an active Cliff retreating under wave action but elsewhere it is an abandoned Cliff with a wave cut Platforro lying at its foot. The high Cliff probably derives from important Fault Scarps of Upper Miocene age which have retreated during a major Middle to Upper Pliocene Transgression. It has been only slightly modified by glacio-eustatic oscillations of Sea level during Quaternary times. Persistent aridity in spite of some more humid periods also accounts for its good preservation. There is evidence supporting a post Pliocene Subsidence of the coastal Area.


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Author Biography

ROLAND PASKOFF, Universidad de Lyon y Universidad de Túnez.

Département de Géographie, Université de Tunis,


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How to Cite

PASKOFF, R. (1979). ON THE GEOMORPHOLOGIC EVOLUTION OF THE GREAT COASTAL COASTAL CLIFFS OF NORTHERN CHILE. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (6), 7–22. Retrieved from https://revistaaisthesis.uc.cl/index.php/RGNG/article/view/39371


