Competitiveness, development and territorial inequality. The case of the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina)


  • Marcelo Sili CONICET
  • Andrés Meiller Universidad Provincial del Sudoeste


Territorial competitivity, Province of Buenos Aires, Districts


Territorial competitiveness appears as an innovative concept that makes it possible to account for the development dynamics of territories, the imbalances and the factors that leverage or inhibit their development. This paper analyzes the levels of territorial competitiveness of the Districts of the Province of Buenos Aires, the most important in Argentina in terms of population and economic development, using 63 variables of different tenor, many of them considered in the light of international experience. The results show that educational levels and working conditions are the main factors that promote the competitiveness of the Districts, in many cases accompanied by high or medium levels of agglomeration and strong connectivity


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How to Cite

Sili, M., & Meiller, A. (2024). Competitiveness, development and territorial inequality. The case of the Province of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (87). Retrieved from


