Translating the Poetry of Graciela Huinao: Finding the Authentic Voice Within


  • Margaret Towner Loyola Marymount University



contemporary translation, Graciela Huinao, hybridity, technology, Mapuche, women writers


This article discusses the translation of literary works by contemporary Latin American women, specifically the poetry of Graciela Huinao, a Mapuche-Willichewriter from Southern Chile.Given the opportunities for travel and the development of technology such as the Internet, translators today have many ways to interact with writers in order to delve deeper into the translation of their texts. In this context, elements such as hybridity, heteroglossia, paradox, grammatical structures, cultural nuances, and the author’s intention can be explored in greater detail. The translation of Graciela Huinao’s poetry by the author of this article is used to share examples of the exploration of literary and conceptual elements through the use of extensive communications enabled by technology. And in the case of Graciela Huinao’s writing, the relevance and overlapping of Spanish and Mapuzugun, the language of her people, becomes a significant part of the dialogue.

Author Biography

Margaret Towner, Loyola Marymount University

Is an educator, writer, translator, and musician, with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Spanish and a Master’s degree in Latin American Studies. Margaret has worked in public schools and additionally she has taught at Loyola Marymount University and California State University, Los Angeles. She received the Jane Buel Bradley Chapbook Award for her poetry in City by the Sea, and her writing and translations have been published in Latin American Perspectives, Americas Quarterly, Silver: An Eclectic Anthology of Poetry & Prose, Green: An Eclectic Anthology of Poetry & Prose, The Cancer Poetry Project, Serving House Journal, White Rabbit: English Studies in Latin America, and Center for Nondual Awareness. She translates the work of Graciela Huinao, Mapuche-Williche writer from southern Chile.




