Multidimensional analysis of DID sustainability in the physical-virtual context


  • Gonzalo Darío Andrés Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos
  • Patricia Silvana San Martin Universidad Nacional de Rosario
  • Guillermo Lujan Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Rosario



methodology, communication, technology, interdisciplinary, sustainability


The aim of this article is to rethink the approaches and methodologies to investigate the emerging processes of communication in the current physical virtual context. To this end, it posits the need to develop an integral view that includes the practices of production and use of technologies along with the creation of contents and the materiality of expressive languages. In this vein, it proposes a multidimensional analysis model to evaluate the sustainability processes of dynamic intermedial devices (DID) developed in different socio-institutional frameworks dedicated to communication, education, and cultural management. This model is made up by four interrelated dimensions: politicalinstitutional, technological, social, and intermedial. Each dimension interacts with the other and is interwoven with empirical phenomena. We consider that this model constitutes a theoretical methodological contribution to communication and technology studies, since it has methodological flexibility to adapt to different case studies, allows the integration of different research methods and techniques, and enables a characterization that articulates macro and micro social processes in the same approach. Finally, from a constructivist perspective, it is argued that in order to study the socio-technical sustainability of these devices it is necessary to understand technologies  as artefacts and systems that developed, model and resignify themselves in different ways in each context.

Author Biographies

Gonzalo Darío Andrés, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos

Gonzalo D. Andrés, holds a degree and a Ph.D. in Social Communication. He is head of practical work of Problematics of Science at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. He is an assistant researcher of Conicet at the Institute of Social Studies (UNER-CONICET). He is devoted to research on the transformations in the processes of production, circulation, and appropriation of knowledge generated by the integration of computer and digital technologies in educational and academic environments. 

Patricia Silvana San Martin, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Patricia S. San Martin, national professor of Music and Ph.D. in Humanities and Arts. She is an associate professor of Musical Educational Methodology at the School of Music of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Lead researcher of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research. Director of the Rosario Institute of Research in Educational Sciences (CONICET - UNR).

Guillermo Lujan Rodríguez, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Guillermo L. Rodríguez, mechanical engineer, professor of Philosophy and Ph.D. in Engineering. He is a tenured professor of Introduction to Engineering, Faculty of Exact Sciences, Engineering and Surveying, of the Universidad Nacional de Rosario. His research interests focus on modeling methodologies for the analytical study of the monitoring of interactivity processes and the development and optimization of open-source software applications for education, research, and technological and social linkage.


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How to Cite

Andrés, G. D., San Martin, P. S., & Rodríguez, G. L. (2023). Multidimensional analysis of DID sustainability in the physical-virtual context. Cuadernos.Info, (54), 1–22.