Challenges of the digital preservation of cultural heritage in Mexico: the Mexicana case




linked open data, oline digital collections, digital heritage, online cultural heritage, data standardization, standardization, information policies, GLAM


Among the current challenges related to the digital preservation of heritage is the adoption of metadata normalization and standardization processes. This article discusses some challenges related to the digital preservation and dissemination of Mexico’s cultural heritage in the project Mexicana, el repositorio del patrimonio cultural de México (Mexicana, the repository of Mexico's cultural heritage), four years after its publication. From this discussion and the comparison of the data processing of an emblematic Mexican object, the Piedra de Sol, we show the positive consequences of adopting specific standardization processes and of proposing a strategy of interoperability between repositories, as well as the results of standardization with metadata schemas. Some recommendations are also made to consolidate a future digital preservation program for Mexico’s cultural heritage, which should be agreed upon by researchers, administrators, institution managers, and other agents in the cultural sphere.

Author Biography

Claudio Molina Salinas, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Ciudad de México, México

Claudio Molina Salinas, researcher at UNAM’s Institute of Aesthetic Research, with special interest in the study and description of the terminology of artistic and cultural heritage, specialized lexicography, and documentary languages. Two of his most representative academic products are Documenting Mexican Folk-art Linguistic Heritage: The Application of the Sets Theory to Determine its Common Terminology (2021), and Mexico's Tradition and Culture Entering the Digital Age: The Mexican Cultural Heritage Repository Project (2019).


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How to Cite

Molina Salinas, C. (2023). Challenges of the digital preservation of cultural heritage in Mexico: the Mexicana case . Cuadernos.Info, (55), 211–232.