The Field of Education Journalism in Chile: Visions and Practices of journalists and Editors


  • Sebastián Ansaldo Universidad de Cambridge



education journalism, fields theory, mediatization, Bourdieu


In recent years, education journalism has emerged as a new type of specialized journalism in Chile. Using Bourdieu's fields theory and elements of mediatization studies, the paper aims to characterize education journalism in Chile by exploring its particularities, internal dynamics, and relationships with surrounding fields. Through interviews with 24 journalists and editors who cover educational issues, conducted in 2018, I explore practices and visions of journalists, to describe motivations, routines and perceptions about their own work and influence in other fields. The study concludes that there are differences in levels of autonomy in the field depending on the type of content. In addition, journalists who cover educational-pedagogical topics have higher levels of symbolic capital, and there are influences between the journalistic and educational fields.

Author Biography

Sebastián Ansaldo, Universidad de Cambridge

Journalist and Master in Communication from the Diego Portales University (Chile) and MPhil in Sociology from the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom). Candidate for a doctorate in Education from the University of Cambridge. Interested in the intersections and multidisciplinary interactions between media / communication and the educational field. Member of the Knowledge, Power and Politics research cluster at the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge Latin American Research in Education Collective (CLAREC).


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How to Cite

Ansaldo, S. (2021). The Field of Education Journalism in Chile: Visions and Practices of journalists and Editors. Cuadernos.Info, (50), 113–135.

