The relationship between the military and Argentine correspondents authorized to report from the islands during the Falklands War


  • Eva Lavín Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España
  • Jorge Gallardo-Camacho Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid, España



war correspondent, Falklands War, censorship, photojournalism, Rattenbach report


The Falklands War marks a turning point in war journalism. The islands location at 464 kilometers from the Argentine coast and more than 12,700 kilometers from the British caused the military to exercise information censorship and allow access to a few correspondents. This paper uses a qualitative methodology based on in-depth interviews to Argentine correspondents who covered the conflict to get a new vision through unpublished testimonies. The article concludes that there was a manipulative attempt, although it is clear there was an incoordination between the military controls regarding the censorship criteria.

Author Biographies

Eva Lavín, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, España

She has a PhD in Communication from the Universidad Camilo José Cela and a Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication from Universidad Europea de Madrid. Master in Film and Television Production from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Television producer for more than ten years in Telecinco and La Sexta. Professor of the Universidad Camilo José Cela and evaluator of the Spanish Foundation for Technology (FECYT).

Jorge Gallardo-Camacho, Universidad Camilo José Cela, Madrid, España

She has a PhD in Communication from the Universidad Camilo José Cela and a Bachelor in Audiovisual Communication from Universidad Europea de Madrid. Master in Film and Television Production from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Television producer for more than ten years in Telecinco and La Sexta. Professor of the Universidad Camilo José Cela and evaluator of the Spanish Foundation for Technology (FECYT).



How to Cite

Lavín, E., & Gallardo-Camacho, J. (2017). The relationship between the military and Argentine correspondents authorized to report from the islands during the Falklands War. Cuadernos.Info, (40), 123–136.