The concept of ‘facción’: nature, scope and incidence in journalistic and literary studies


  • Albert Chillón Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, España



facción, factual word, truth, veracity, verifiability, verisimilitude, empalabramiento, representation, literary journalism, narrativity, rhetoric, linguistic turn


Both literary and journalistic studies, considered separately, tend to cement their respective disciplinary fields on two erroneous premises, which this article calls into question in the light of the philosophy of language and hermeneutics: on the one hand, the one which distinguishes between ‘diction’ and ‘reality’; And on the other, that which distinguishes between the notion of ‘fiction’ and the misnamed ‘non-fiction’. Instead, the text argues that, unlike physical realitas, human reality is entangled with dictions, as constantly shown by the discursive construction of social facts. And, above all, that the various clusters of testimonial and documentary tenor integrate the territory of the ‘facción’, a form of truthful –but ultimately configuring– mimesis, obsolete to the mirages that the so called ‘non-fiction’ summons.

Author Biography

Albert Chillón, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, España

Professor of Theory of Communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and author, among other books and articles, Literature and journalism. A tradition of promiscuous relationships (1999), A being of mediations (2012), The factitious word. Literature, journalism and communication (2014) and Media society and totalism (2016), in addition to the novel El horizonte ayer (2013). He is also a contributor to various publications and media.



How to Cite

Chillón, A. (2017). The concept of ‘facción’: nature, scope and incidence in journalistic and literary studies. Cuadernos.Info, (40), 91–105.