Methodological proposal for analysing historical television fictions: the case of La Señora


  • Susana Rodríguez Marcos Universidad Complutense, Madrid, España



methodology, fictions, drama, History, television, Spain


The success of historical fictions in Spanish television supports an investigation focused on these productions, which can shape the past. This article presents a methodological proposal that included the three steps of the communicative process: production, broadcasting and reception. This triple perspective demands the use of qualitative and quantitative techniques. The validity of this proposal was verified by the analysis of the period drama La Señora. The results show the importance of economic and market factors in the design of production, along with the subjection of the historical elements to the dramatic ones and the limited interest of the audience in aspects of the past.

Author Biography

Susana Rodríguez Marcos, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, España

Has a degree in Audiovisual Communication from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2001) and in History of Art from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2012). She obtained her magna cum laude Ph.D. in Journalism in 2015. She has simultaneously carried out her research work –centered on the construction of meaning through audiovisual narratives– with her work as a sound technician on a national radio station during the last twelve years.



How to Cite

Rodríguez Marcos, S. (2016). Methodological proposal for analysing historical television fictions: the case of La Señora. Cuadernos.Info, (39), 181–194.