Gender pluralism and sexual diversity in the Chilean television


  • María Cecilia Bravo Universidad de Chile
  • Bernardo Amigo Universidad de Chile
  • Andrea Baeza Universidad de Chile
  • Cristian Cabello Universidad de Chile



television, pluralism, stereotypes, gender, diversity


This paper collects the results of a research conducted for the Chilean National Television Council on respect for gender equity and diversity in Chilean television programs. We implemented a device to identify, on a sample of 167 TV person/characters, the recurrence of stereotypes, which confirmed the persistence of inequalities and gender representational biases. The research concludes that the representations and stereotypes present in the corpus, far to being limited to reproducing images and common meanings circulating in society, produce meanings that are contradictory with the advances of the social discussion about this topic.

Author Biographies

María Cecilia Bravo, Universidad de Chile

Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Professor and Undergraduate Director of the Institute of Communication and Image of the Universidad de Chile. Researcher at the Media Culture Laboratory (, Chile, associate researcher at the Laboratoire Communication et Politique of the CNRS (, France. Her lines of research are: media history; research methodology in communication, and communication, democracy and citizenship.

Bernardo Amigo, Universidad de Chile

Ph.D. in Social Sciences, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Professor of the Department of Sociology of the Universidad de Chile. Researcher and coordinator of the Media Culture Laboratory (, Chile, associate researcher at the Laboratoire Communication et Politique of the CNRS (, France. His lines of research are: sociology of communication and media, socio-anthropology of technology and political communication.

Andrea Baeza, Universidad de Chile

Sociologist, Universidad de Chile. Analysis coordinator of the Follow-up Mechanisms of Undergraduate Teaching, Universidad Autónoma de Chile. Member of the Media Culture Laboratory and of the Julieta Kirkwood Gender and Society Nucleus, both from the Universidad de Chile. Her lines of research are: gender, media and education.

Cristian Cabello, Universidad de Chile

Master in Political Communication, Universidad de Chile. Professor at the Institute of Communication and Image, Universidad de Chile. Assistant editor of the magazine Comunicación y Medios. Member of the University Collective of Sexual Dissidence (CUDS). His lines of research are: communication, feminisms and gender differences.


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How to Cite

Bravo, M. C., Amigo, B., Baeza, A., & Cabello, C. (2018). Gender pluralism and sexual diversity in the Chilean television. Cuadernos.Info, (42), 119–134.