As the wind blows. Sound landscapes in Brazilian cinema: from Rocha to Mascaro


  • Julia Kratje Universidad de Buenos Aires - Universidad Nacional de las Artes - CONICET Argentina



Cinema Novo, Novíssimo Cinema Brasileiro, soundscape, gender


This article comparatively analyzes the films Barravento (1962), the first film by Glauber Rocha, emblematic of Cinema Novo, and Ventos de agosto (2014), by Gabriel Mascaro, from the Novíssimo Cinema Brasileiro. The focus on the wind seeks to think the relationship between cinema and politics. These two films capture the course of the wind from opposite dimensions –violence or emptiness, the storm or the swirling breeze– that allow us to reflect on the forms of the sensible from the dynamics of the imperceptible

Author Biography

Julia Kratje, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Universidad Nacional de las Artes - CONICET Argentina

Ph.D. of Social Sciences from the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Her research on Latin American cinema, funded by CONICET, is based in the Interdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. She works as a professor at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes, at the master’s degree in Gender Studies (UCES) and at the master’s degree in Power and Society from the gender issue (UNR).


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How to Cite

Kratje, J. . (2018). As the wind blows. Sound landscapes in Brazilian cinema: from Rocha to Mascaro. Cuadernos.Info, (43), 107–119.