The media competence as a challenge for educommunication: tools of evaluation


  • Rosa García-Ruiz Universidad de Cantabria, Cantabria, España
  • Vicent Gozálvez Pérez Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, España
  • J. Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, España



Media competence, educommunication, citizenship, media literacy, evaluation


Technological advances make new resources available to educational agents in order to enhance learning, but their use requires developing basic competencies or skills in students and is a challenge to the entire educational community. In this context, media competence becomes fundamental for encouraging responsible, efficient and democratic use of media resources by citizens. Here we present the results of a research project carried out in Spain, in which various instruments were designed to assess the media competence of students, teachers and parents. Its application has revealed that we are in an extraordinary moment to take advantage of media resources towards improving the educational process, although it is clear that the fact of being surrounded by media and technologies does not mean that we are competent in their use. This leads us to emphasize the importance of the inclusion of media education into the school curriculum from the earliest ages.

Author Biographies

Rosa García-Ruiz, Universidad de Cantabria, Cantabria, España

is a Ph.D. Professor at the Department of Education of the University of Cantabria (Spain). Editor of the Ibero-American Scientific Magazine «Comunicar». Professor of the Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Communication and Audiovisual Education (UNIA/UHU). Member of the Alfamed Network, along with professionals from the field of Media Education from 13 countries. She has published numerous articles in indexed journals, as well as books and book chapters related to Educommunication

Vicent Gozálvez Pérez, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, España

has a degree and holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy and Sciences of the Education from the University of Valencia, Master of Psycho-Ethics for Civic Education. He is currently Ph.D. Professor in the department of Theory of Education of the University of Valencia (Spain). Author of the books Inteligencia moral [Moral Intelligence] (Desclée, 2000), Ética de los medios. Una apuesta por la ciudadanía audiovisual [Ethics of the media. A commitment to audiovisual citizenship] (Gedisa, 2004), and more recently Ciudadanía mediática. Una mirada educativa [Media Citizenship. An educational perspective] (Dykinson, 2013).

J. Ignacio Aguaded Gómez, Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, España

Professor of the Department of Education of the University of Huelva (Spain). President of the Comunicar Group, a veteran collective in Spain in Educommunication, and editor of the Ibero-American Scientific Magazine «Comunicar». He is also director of the “Ágora” Research Group, responsible for multiple national and international investigations and the management of numerous doctoral theses. He is director of the Interuniversity Master in Communication and Audiovisual Education (UNIA/UHU) and deputy director of the Interuniversity Communication Program (US, UMA, UCA and UHU). He was vice-rector of Technologies, Innovation and Quality of the University of Huelva for seven years (2005-12).



How to Cite

García-Ruiz, R., Gozálvez Pérez, V., & Aguaded Gómez, J. I. (2014). The media competence as a challenge for educommunication: tools of evaluation. Cuadernos.Info, (35), 15–27.