Female directors of argentine and spanish cinema. A decade re-creating imaginary


  • Trinidad Núñez Domínguez Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
  • María Teresa Vera Balanza Universidad de Málaga (Spain)




female argentine film directors, Female Spanish film directors, film, families, political engagement


Even though Latin American cinema is well consolidated now, there are not many comparative studies besides generalist approaches. This article presents an inventory of female Argentine and Spanish directors, as well as their films, from 2000 to 2010, a period marked by the generational change in film industry of both countries and determined by a sociopolitical context democratically consolidated and hampered by economic fluctuations. The objective is twofold: to make women filmmakers visible and to assess their meeting points and divergences. As a method, we chose a descriptive design, applying both a quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis. We conducted a compilation, synthesis, and correlation of works and themes, reaching a corpus of 72 female directors and 138 productions. The results show that there are common issues that reveal the report of unsolved situations for women: motherhood, female homosociality or ideas about love and sex, the experience or the memory of repression, the structural violence of the authoritarian state and the transformations of the ways of life. There are also differences in terms of times and opportunities, styles and genders, which are typical of the coexistence of diverse but creative film trajectories, all of which are stories that break with limited social models and open up to social commitment.

Author Biographies

Trinidad Núñez Domínguez, Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)

Associate professor attached to the Area of Social Psychology at the University of Seville (Spain). Her focus is on studying the media, socialization, and leadership from a feminist perspective. She has accredited teaching and research experience. She has obtained the Meridiana-2013 Prize, awarded by the Andalusian Government, the XX Carmen de Burgos Feminist Outreach Prize, awarded by the University of Malaga, and the Lifetime Achievement-2015 Prize, awarded by the Seville City Council.

María Teresa Vera Balanza, Universidad de Málaga (Spain)

Full professor in the Department of Journalism, member of the Seminar on Interdisciplinary Studies of Women, and Vice-Dean of Academic Organization, Teaching Staff and Equality at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of her University. With a long history of research in Communication and Gender, she is currently the main co-researcher, together with Dr. Postigo Gómez, of the National Youth Produsage Project on social networks and manifestations of gender inequalities: new forms of violence.


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How to Cite

Núñez Domínguez, T., & Vera Balanza, M. T. (2020). Female directors of argentine and spanish cinema. A decade re-creating imaginary. Cuadernos.Info, (46), 96–128. https://doi.org/10.7764/cdi.46.1459

