Government advertising in Argentina between 2000-2017: exponential growth, electoral usufruct and media crisis


  • José Crettaz Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (Argentina)



government advertising, political communication, freedom of expression, media economy, access to public information


Between 2000 and 2017, the advertising public funds of the Argentine government multiplied almost eight times, from 23 to 182 million dollars a year, despite the retraction of the national economy. The resources –2594 million dollars in the entire period– had growth peaks in election years. This seems to confirm the electoral usufruct of government advertising, as some authors and the dissemination works commissioned by civil society entities on this subject warned. This work, based on data from official sources, determined the total volume of public funds destined for that purpose, analyzed previous reports to understand their social and political impact, and reviewed the state of the art on this subject.


Author Biography

José Crettaz, Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (Argentina)

Periodista, profesor y emprendedor. Es licenciado en Comunicación Social (Universidad Austral) y magíster en Dirección de Empresas (UADE). Fue redactor, editor y columnista del diario La Nación de Buenos Aires durante 20 años antes de fundar, en 2017, su propia empresa de información segmentada. Enseña e investiga sobre empresa y economía de los medios en la Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE), donde dirige las licenciaturas en Gestión de Medios y Entretenimiento y Ciencias de la Comunicación. Es coordinador del think tank Centro de Estudios sobre la Convergencia de las Comunicaciones (Convercom).


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How to Cite

Crettaz, J. (2020). Government advertising in Argentina between 2000-2017: exponential growth, electoral usufruct and media crisis. Cuadernos.Info, (44), 99–115.