Media inequality: female senators in the coverage of the Uruguayan media


  • Silvina Font Catholic University of Uruguay
  • Matias Ponce University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)



political women, mass media, political communication, gender, framing


The aim of this research is to analyze the characteristics of the mass media coverage on female politicians in Uruguay, with emphasis on mentions of female and male senators in 2017. From the analysis of the media framework (framing), we used the content analysis method to study different key factors that serve to describe the differences between the media coverage of female and male political leaders in Uruguay. We concluded that the space given to female senators in the media is proportionally less than that of their male counterparts, and that traditional gender roles continue to be reproduced: women are underrepresented, stereotyped and excluded.

Author Biographies

Silvina Font, Catholic University of Uruguay

Degree in Social Communication with studies in the areas of sociology, human rights, gender, technology and programming. She currently works as a communicator in a feminist organization of Uruguayan civil society and in an articulation of Latin American groups.

Matias Ponce, University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

PhD candidate in Political Communication from the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Master in Political Science, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile and Master in Public Policy from the Complutense University of Madrid. He also has a degree in Political Science, Communication and International Relations from the University of La República (Uruguay). Coordinator of the GT Political and Media Communication of the Latin American Association of Communication Researchers.



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How to Cite

Font, S., & Ponce, M. (2019). Media inequality: female senators in the coverage of the Uruguayan media. Cuadernos.Info, (45), 113–128.