Public interest as a determining element of the legal physiognomy of water use rights in Chile

Main Article Content

Tatiana Celume Byrne


The effects that, on the objectives of the publication of the water resource, have produced the changes in the configuration of the right of water use are analyzed. For this, the temporality of the right, the prioritization of the use of water for human consumption and sanitation, the obligation to register, the effective use of water and the environmental variable incorporated into the right of use are studied, under the orbit of the concept of the public interest incorporated, recently, in the legislation.

Article Details

Doctrina: Estudios e Investigaciones
Author Biography

Tatiana Celume Byrne, Universidad San Sebastián

Doctora en Derecho por la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Investigadora de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago de Chile. Dirección postal: Bellavista, 7, Recoleta, Santiago de Chile. Correo electrónico: